107b East Davis Street | Culpeper, VA
24/7 Member Access

107b East Davis Street | Culpeper, VA
24/7 Member Access

Please read these guidelines carefully so we are all on the same page
- The show is open to Black artists of all ages and all abilities from Culpeper and surrounding areas
- The goal is to curate an exhibit inspired by the themes of Equality, Hope, Peace, Progress and Love. What does a future that encompasses these themes look like to you?
- Submissions can be any tangible visual art media -- paintings, drawings, mixed media, sculpture, textiles, etc.
- Submissions must be delivered to Elevate at 107b East Davis Street, Culpeper, VA, by Monday, July 20, 2020. Pieces should be ready to display. Elevate cannot print electronic files or produce the work in any way. You do not have to frame your work. However you are comfortable presenting your art is fine by us. Elevate is open Mon-Fri from 8am to 6pm. If we are not there at the time you arrive, you will see instructions for submitting your art at our front desk.
- Elevate will invite the public to enjoy the show in person (observing gathering and social distancing guidelines) and virtually
- Artists own their pieces, but will be asked to sign a photography release form, upon delivery of artwork, so the show can be shared on social media, in publications, etc.
- The exhibit will run for at least the month of August 2020. When the exhibit comes to a close, Elevate will communicate pick-up instructions so pieces can be retrieved.
- Please keep in mind that the show will be viewed by all ages and considered family-friendly. Elevate reserves the right to exclude pieces that are not appropriate for all audiences.
© 2022 Elevate Co-Work & Community LLC